“I never expected to live as long as my dad, but I just wish I could have ten more years.”

Tony yount

Ready to Give?

You can give to the 10 For Tony project by donating through the Tony Yount Legacy Fund at Thrivent Charitable.

Why are we doing this?

For 70 years, Tony Yount shaped lives through his career as a history teacher, yearbook advisor, and basketball coach in the Chapel Hill public schools; through his work at Lutheridge, a North Carolina Lutheran church camp; through his many years as an Academic Counselor for women’s athletic teams at his alma mater, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, and through many shared trips with friends to explore the beauty & wonders of nature.

In notes for his memorial service, Tony wrote:

Please mention the 4 loves of my life:
UNC-Chapel Hill
The American West and our National Parks
The communities of people I helped form at Carolina, Lutheridge, Phillips Jr. High, and Chapel Hill High School.

As an act of love by the many friends of Tony Yount, we want to continue his legacy of helping others explore their dreams to find deeper meaning and joy in life!!

To celebrate Tony’s life, we wish to honor him with a living tribute: ten more years of positively impacting lives, in Tony’s name, to carry on his legacy for generations.

Our vision: Impacting lives for 10 more years

Our goal: $70,000 in gifts & commitments.

$70,000 = $1,000 for each of Tony’s 70 years

To be able to make life-impacting distributions for 10 years, the 10 For Tony goal is to receive at least $70,000 in donations and recurring commitments into the Tony Yount Legacy Fund.

This may sound challenging, but Tony always inspired us to do challenging things and we are confident that the great love for Tony from among his four “communities” will make this a reality. Donations from Tony’s estate and the Fund Committee have already generated almost $33,000 toward this goal!

10 For Tony will be carried out by the Tony Yount Legacy Fund

This fund is a donor-advised charitable memorial fund with Thrivent Charitable. Thrivent is a well-respected, Fortune 500, A++ rated financial services company, with a commitment to community service, ethical investment practices, and historic roots with the Lutheran church (to which Tony belonged throughout his life). The Fund will be owned & invested with Thrivent Charitable, so that all contributions will be fully tax-deductible.

Progress towards our goal

Making Your Donation to the Tony Yount Legacy Fund

You can give by mail or online

Online donations via a draft from your bank account or credit card require a processing fee charged to the Tony Yount Legacy Fund.

For credit/debit card donations, a $0.45 processing fee,
plus 2.75% of each gift (3.5% for AMEX) will be charged.
Contributions made by EFT have a 0.6% processing fee.
Please consider adding 3% to your online transaction to ensure that your entire donation is available to support the four loves of Tony’s life.

To give via mail:

Send checks made payable to:
Thrivent Charitable Impact and Investing

Mr. Fred Park
14 Raven Glass Lane
Bluffton, SC  29909

If you are interested in setting up a recurring gift, please email friends(at)tonyyount.life

Funds will be distributed to these
four organizations honoring Tony’s “4 Loves” 
– continuing, as he would, to fulfill dreams and build community. 

Lutheridge Camp and Conference Center

Funding for summer staff positions in Tony’s name, including a special focus on the Outdoor Adventure Program (which Tony helped develop and shape).

University of North Carolina-CH Women’s Athletics “FORevHER” Excellence Fund

Providing player/team grants to UNC-CH Women’s Athletics to allow women athletes to explore and develop leadership skills.

Yellowstone Forever Foundation

Supporting programs for youth experiences, the Yellowstone wolf project, and Lamar Valley preservation (original cabin site of Tony’s relative, Harry Yount, our nation’s first Park Ranger).

Chapel Hill-Carrboro Public School Foundation

Supporting grants & scholarships at Chapel Hill High School and Guy B. Phillips Middle School for students to have opportunities that might otherwise be unattainable.

Learn more about the 2024 Distributions

10 for Tony Steering Committee

The following long-time friends of Tony have agreed to serve on the Fund Steering Committee, to ensure proper distribution of funds via Thrivent Charitable to the recipient entities.

These volunteers represent the 4 “loves” of Tony’s life: UNC athletes, former student/faculty from Chapel Hill & Phillips Jr. High, Lutheridge staff alumni, and Tony’s family – many of whom traveled the American West with Tony.


Susan Yount Peacock, beloved sister

University of North Carolina and Chapel Hill friends and colleagues

Dr. Karen Appleyard Carmody, Chapel Hill High School, Class of 1989
Dr. Mike Kestner, former faculty colleague at Phillips Middle School
Krista Jasper Stewart, UNC Women’s Gymnastics, class of 2017
Kristy Bernatchez, UNC Field Hockey, class of 2017
Jordan Allyne, UNC Women’s Golf, class of 2011

Lutheridge Staff alumni

Rev. Eric Fink
Brinkley McArver
Fred Park
Jenny Simmons
Claire Teuber
Audrey Williams