Fred Park

On September 11, I do think about our friend, Sandra Teague, who lost her life 20 years ago on Septembr 11, 2001. I cannot remember the exact years, but Sandra was a counselor at Lutheridge and, of course, a friend of Tony’s. When I try to tell folks about Tony, one of the stories that I always tell involves the events following Sandra’s death. It truly gives insight into Tony’s heart.

If memory serves, and that is always suspect, Tony retired from teaching at Chapel Hill High in May of 2001. He sold his house in Chapel Hill, packed up all his stuff and put it into storage. Tony was fulfilling a long-time dream of moving to Bozeman, Montana. He had been telling us about this move for years, but many of us were skeptical. But, he did it. He was so proud of this new-fangled thing called “online banking” that would allow him to give up his mailing address and having to pay bills through the mail. Sound like Tony???

Anyway, Tony went “homeless” for his usual summer travels with the intent of moving to Bozeman in the Fall. We had a retirement party at his house, and many of us went away with his prized possessions – his pictures – to display in our homes for safe-keeping while he was away. We were blessed to have his American eagle hang above our fireplace for many years. Following the crash of the plane into the Pentagon, and Sandra’s death, Tony delayed his move to Montana and made contact with Sandra’s mother, who was living in the Greensboro area. He visited her and offered to go with her to the DC area to go through Sandra’s things and close up her apartment. Tony did just that and more. He delayed his move and spent time with Sandra’s mother in that most difficult time in her life.

That is our friend, Tony. Always being there for a friend, no matter what or when or whatever circumstances.

It warms my heart and brings a bit of moisture to my eyes to share this story today. I miss my friend.