Elaine Bixiones

Though I returned to my hometown for only two years to teach at Phillips, they were very important years for me. I met some wonderful people AND team taught 9th graders with Tony. We both have said it was one of our best teaching experiences: wonderful students, admin support, simpatico student expectations, and a love of teaching.

We had the professional freedom to structure our blocks of time and plan activities that brought the integration of subjects together. We also bonded because of other similarities – love of Chapel Hill, travel, Lutheran church, and all things UNC. Along with other teacher friends ( Kestner, Finklestein, Kiger, and more) we came together yearly for dinner and a UNC basketball game.

Tony was a great friend and I admired all he did to better the lives of his students, his family, and his friends. I will miss him. Elaine Bixiones